What is Operation Secret Santa?

If you’ve ever wanted to hear more about our mission at Operation Secret Santa, our founder and leader, the inimitable Katie, was recently a guest on Unapologetically Woman. In this clip, Katie doesn’t a great job summarizing about how we are giving back to our community and why we are so passionate about Operation Secret Santa.


Make a Donation.

Our Mission: creating Christmas without barriers.

We now offer monthly, recurring donations for our supporters. Visit us on Zeffy for more information.


We are a grassroots organization of volunteers who meet people exactly where they are at home, with no accessibility barriers or early calendar cut off dates. Our volunteer elves handpick toys for the children based on information provided on the nomination form. Santa’s list has grown longer every year and we continue to reach out to our community for donations for money, toys and time.

Please stay tuned for opportunities to assist Operation: Secret Santa by attending fun events and donating your time, toys or funds. We can’t make OSS happen without a large network of people who assist our efforts as OSS continues to grow and help more families every year!

Sweaty Santa Success!

The Sweaty Santa 5K was held on July 7, even the big guy himself turned out to enjoy the fun run and treats from our local supporters Ethereal Brewing and Sav’s Chill ice cream. Check out our press on this great event and this year’s awesome participants!

We even made the news!
